Monday, June 26, 2006

How Many Arabs Will Have To Die To Truly End Arab Aggression?

I think it might be interesting to estimate the number of dead Arabs which will be required before they cease their violent and aggressive actions towards Israel, and the rest of the modern world. A simple, though unscientific, way of estimating this number could be derived from the figures from the Japanese side of World War II. We will look at the number of Japanese that were required to be killed (civilians, most importantly) before the Japanese would totally surrender, and no longer wish to fight.

Now, in front of any arguments, the post-war Japanese have been the very model of friendship and productivity and have contributed a great deal to all of the world through their hard work and keen intellects. It would be impossible to argue that the Japanese could have behaved any better, which lends a great deal of weight to the argument that the appropriate number of Japanese civilians were killed.

I use the Japanese, and not the Germans, because the Japanese and the Arabs share some deep non-Western cultural aspects in their anti-individualistic natures. This feature of anti-individualism will weigh heavily in the pure kill ratios and therefore, to me, seems appropriate. One can argue against it, but it seems rather senseble. There are qualities which will change the required kill ratio.

The Japanese, for example, have a strong sense of honor and a respect for fair play (in the larger sense). The Arabs lack both of these qualities and will, therefore, force the kill ratio to be at least double the Japanese, perhaps 5 times the Japanese. What I am talking about, here? I'm referring to the Arab behavior of refusing to acknowledge defeat, when it is clear to any thinking person. The Egyptians still teach their kids that they WON the '73 war. Saddam Hussein built a museum to document the great success of Iraq in the first gulf war - clearly the most embarrassing war to watch, ever in the history of the world. This type of shamelessness and imperviousness to the reality of defeat forces one to crush this type of people much harder than more rational groups require.

There are, of course, other factors, but you get the general idea. I am going to arbitrarily peg the percentage of Arabs required to be killed at 7 times the percentage of Japanese who were killed. This is even though I think the nature of Arab culture, and their obstinate refusal to learn from anyone around them, is going to make this figure that much higher.

There is one other point. Since the Arab 'armies' consists solely of civilians (the terrorists and terrorist groups), we will need to include the military dead from Japan in with the calculation.
The Japanese number:

600,000 72,000,000 .83 2,000,000 2.78 3.62

The Arab number would then be:

3.62 * 7 = 25.34 Syria 18,000,000 4,300,000
25.34 Jordan 6,000,000 1,600,000
25.34 Egypt 80,000,000 20,000,000
25.34 Saudi Arabia 28,000,000 7,000,000
25.34 Iraq 27,000,000 6,900,000
25.34 Lebanon 2,000,000 500,000 (just muslims and palestinians)
45 Palestinians 3,000,000 1,450,000

The sum total is then, around, 41.8 million Arabs are going to need to be killed to bring peace to the middle east.

Any number less than this will probably result in a new war 10 or 12 years after. (Note: The Persians are not included, though they are going to need to be beaten, militarily, and in the same manner, at some point.)


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