Friday, July 21, 2006

Self-Rule By Primitive Cultures

This is the source of current instability in the world. It is not a new problem, as support for the idea of "self-determination" has been a rallying cry for primitive cultures all over the world. As little as these cultures understand about the modern world, they love the modern concept of "self-determination". But, just as no serious person would advocate adult rights for a 2 year old, the concept of extending full adult statehood to societies that have never exhibited any adult behavior of any kind is clearly nothing but folly. It is the wishes and hopes of dreamers forced onto their illsuions of reality, not unlike the aforementioned 2 year old forcing square blocks into round holes. The frustration of realizing that one's intuition may not be totally in synch with reality is a disappointment that logical adults take in stride, but that may become nothing more than a maddening, and confusing, disbelief in a 2 year old.

We see this same dream reality in the existence of, and support for, the United Nations. The idea that any serious person would even entertain the existence of a competitionless and peerless entity with any power at all is beyond comprehension. There has never been an example of such an entity being productive in any way, but history is littered with examples that proved extremely destructive. Americans, of all people, should understand that such a super-hyper-monopoly is destined to grow in grotesque and destructive ways.

In the end, George Bush extended the Arabs one last chance to see if they were able to rule themselves. It appears that they cannot, and the big question then presents itself: What can be done with these societies that cannot be trusted to rule themselves?

The answer is distasteful to most 'civilized' people, but they must realize that civilization, itself, cannot advance with these infantile and aggressive societies free to destabilize all around them. Totally disarming these societies is a first step. It is certainly a NECESSARY step, before which nothing truly constructive can happen.

The world has advanced so far in the past 50 years, and to allow the wishes of humanists and dreamy globalists (against all historical evidence) to destroy it by advocating weapons and sovereignty for all societies, no matter how emotionally or intellectually unable they are to remain peaceful and non-destructive, would be the greatest failure.

To die for an ideology is one thing, but to die for the refusal to accept reality is quite another.


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