Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How Can Any Intelligent Person Support Even The Idea Of The UN?

All the talk coming from, and about, the UN, seems quite inane these days, given the simple fact that the whole idea of the UN is a theoretical impossibility. The notion of a peerless, competitionless organization that can be given power and be allowed to grow inside of this highly unnatural environment is anathema to any thinking person, and certain blasphemy to any people who scream about the importance of teaching evolution in public school.

The utter lack of any organization that operates in the environment of the UN ensures that the UN will grow in grotesque and dangerous ways. Anyone who believes in markets understands that monopolies can never be trusted to themselves, and the super-hyper monopoly of the UN would follow an even more destructive and self-serving path (as has been demonstrated throughout the history of the UN).

Of course, most people confuse the powerless use of the UN during the Cold War, as a communications channel between the US and the USSR, as having proven the utility of the UN. But, in fact, that communication service is the limit of what an organziation such as the UN can be trusted with. There is no power to abuse in being the conduit for meetings.

But, once the UN was given actual power - when Bush Sr. ran to the UN for the stamp of approval for the first Gulf War, or when the UN ever had to do any actual heavy lifting - the organization proved itself worthless ... and worse.

The UN is naive and childish idea that would be nice to have in a utopian world, but we are forced, unfortunately, to live in reality. And reality imposes its own many restrictions on us. Breathing life into totally unrealistic dream objects and then giving them actual real-world power is not what the intelligent person does. Only childish fools support utopian ideas.

Even national governments do not exist in such an environment, as national governments have competition in that people are always able to move to another country with a competing government. We need not talk about those governments that demanded UN-style monopolistic status on their citizens, and how they developed and grew ...

No, the UN is a utopian dream put forward in the heat of the emotion and shock that the Allies felt after World War II. It is not a serious idea that could stand any real scrutiny.

The UN is, in the end (as with most utopian dreams) a

Utopian Nightmare.


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