Friday, July 28, 2006

Why Do People Want To Point Out That The "World" Disagrees With The USA?

I can never seem to get this question. The US must be having some immense problems with the history that is being taught in our public schools, because the US thinking differently from the rest of the world is one of the fundamental characteristics of the US, itself!

That was certainly the case in the very founding of the United States, when an attempt was being made to create a nation of a type that had never existed on Earth, with reasoning that had never been used in the political context before. That is the history of the very birth of the United States.

Further than that, the US Constitution has proven to be the greatest architecture for a government, splitting governmental powers into various competing and partnering branches that worked both with and against each other, to keep the whole of governmental power in check. It involved a government that always exists, with only the individual tasks within that govenment changing hands, in a most individualistic way! This is opposed to the various parliamentary systems, which are all weak, unstable and unreliable.

But here is one more case where the US has disagreed with the rest of the world for over 200 years! And even with all of the new countries that have popped up around the world since WWII, say, not a single one of them has adopted the US Constituion as the architecture of their government. They have all adopted the faulty parliamentary systems. Does no one in the world understand that the US is the most successful, and freest, country that has ever existed, and that it might not be a bad idea to try to copy the US and hope for the same success? How dumb do people have to be not to see this?

So, if the world disagrees with the US, I would tend to side with the US, since history shows that I would have been correct in the great majority of cases!


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