Friday, December 22, 2006

Why Are All The "Reasonable" People So Outraged By Mike Nifong's Intentional Denial Of Obvious Facts?

Let me first state that I, too, am outraged by Mike Nifong's conduct in the Duke rape case. We all knew, from the very start, that the accuser was a liar and that Mike Nifong was pursuing the case solely for political purposes - which I might add is a much more serious offense than plain prosecutorial misconduct. We all understood that he was grasping for straws every time another piece of exculpatory evidence was either found by the DA's office or offered by the defense. We all knew, as we watched the morons on TV who were trying to defend Nifong's actions, twisting the possible scenarios to explain away the multitude of inconsistencies that emerged from every single aspect of the accuser's and the DA's version of events, that none of their idiotic arguments would have been accepted by anyone with a half a brain.

And yet, we watched with outrage as this obvious travesty of justice was being perpetrated on the defendants, the state of North Carolina and the whole of the United States, scratching our heads wondering how anyone could let this go on.

But we watch these same sorts of idiotic conversations take place, at the highest of levels, every single day. And we all know how stupid and fruitless the discussions will eventually be. We watch talks with Iran, with the Palestinians, with Hamas, with Hezbollah, ... We all know that none of these groups have ever kept their word. We all know that they are always lying about what they have and what they want. We all know that their idiotic defenses would not be accepted by anyone with an IQ over 77. We all know all of this, and yet we still watch it take place and brush aside the obvious idiocy of the ventures and the clearly futile (if not outright dangerous) nature of treating people who do not respect reason with a respect for their illogical arguments and belligerent nature.

Why do we just sit by and watch these idiotic dealings without saying, "Hey! Enough."?

Because we are not yet prepared to address the underlying problems and solve them. People are not willing to march against Nifong and against the criminal false accuser and people are not willing to march against idiotic proposals that we keep making to belligerent parties who seek our destruction. We seem to prefer to put the eventual fight of, until we can hold it off no longer - as happened, temporarily, with 9/11.

But that is unfortunate, since the longer each of these inevitable fights is put off, the worse it will be and the better the chances are of us losing.

No one should be surprised at how Nifong pursued this case - even as obvious as it was that it was a bad prosecution from the start - since we watch the US participate in the same sort of lopsided dealings with moronic, third world shitholes all the time, with many otherwise reasonable people offering to twist the emerging realities in order to reconcile the vast mutlitude of inconsistencies that appear at every step with every one of these idiotic negotiations.

Anyone who thinks that the rules of engagement as laid down by the Allies during World War II are not good enough for us to use in our wars today, in the face of a long string of defeats for the US while using the post-WWII rules of engagement (except for the Cold War, during which we explicitly threatened the total incineration of every man, woman, and child in the USSR), is acting exactly as Mike Nifong did during this insane and nasty prosecution and should understand where they really fit within the intellectual spectrum.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Iraq Study Group Misses The Elephant In The Room

It's hard to believe, but after the months of alleged work and research that the Iraq Study Group has been doing with respect to the situation in Iraq, somehow they have managed to link the fighting between Sunni Arabs and Shiite Arabs (that has been ongoing for a bit over a thousand years) to issues between Jews and Arabs. The Iraq Study Group of retards also managed to figure out that the key to peace in the middle east rests with offering more civilized discourse to the two most uncivilized governments in the region - Iran and Syria. Syria was even annointed by James Baker, himself, to be the peacemaker among Arabs and Jews - after some groveling by the US, and Israel coughing up anything that Syria might deem fit to ask for.


One would think that among all the people on the panel, including a former Supreme Court Associate Justice (a bad one, but one, nonetheless) and a retired admiral/ex-defense secretary, that someone would have had the brains to put a stop to the Baker-Hamilton idiot train. But, evidently, the rest of them are even dumber.

The key to peace lies in the same place it did 40 years ago, except that the game is a bit different these days. Russia is the key to all of the problems we see in the middle east. This is not to say that Russia is causing these problems, but only that Russia is the sponsor of the main problem states of Iran and Syria. Those states are totally beholden to Russia, as Iran's programs would immediately start to collapse if the Russians withdrew their support.

Russia is the key. It was the key after 9/11, and it's the key today.

There is no reason to speak with Iran or Syria, since Russia is the force that is allowing both of those governments to really survive. Russia is the place to go, and Russians are the ones to get cooperating with us.

I have been very surprised that the West has been ignoring Russia since 9/11, except to bitch about one thing or another. Russia, unlike Iran or Syria, deserves respect, and is a necessary partner for the future. Considering the fact that Russia is going to be one of the largest players in space, it is clear that we are going to have be working with the Russians, eventually, when all of these other countries are nothing but miniscule specks to be looked down on from space. Such a nation deserves far more respect than we give to any of these piss-ant countries, or even to China. Russia should be a PARTNER with the US.

So, after months of work, the Iraq Survey Group managed to 79 recommendations, along with pages and pages of idiotic commentary, bad reasoning, poor logic, and naivete supreme that has but 2 references to Russia in the whole of the document - which are nothing more than references to Russia as a member of the Security Council and the Quartet, while managing to find space for 35 individual and specific references to Israel and problems that Israel is causing by continuing to exist.

It is all very hard to believe. After the equally inane operation of the 9/11 commission, all I can say is that anyone who EVER appoints Lee Hamilton to another commission needs to have his head examined.