Thursday, September 14, 2006

Beautiful Female Rapists And General Idiocy

What is it about people that makes them so utterly, and profoundly, stupid. As Debra Lafave makes more headlines, due to her good looks and sex appeal, many legal types seem to be getting hot under the collar, screaming about "equal treatment for female rapists ..." and similarly retarded comments. They seem stuck on the idea that rape law needs to be exactly the same for males and females, and cannot understand why there should be a double standard. How did people so stupid even make it on to TV?

Do they not understand that sex holds, upon a cursory examination, VASTLY DIFFERENT consequences for males and females? Has someone forgotten to teach them that only FEMALES can get pregnant? Do they think that males risk some sort of "equally dire" consequences from having sex - aside from STD's which are just part of the sexual environment for all? ... although women are more susceptible to them, too ...

Well, it seems utterly trivial, and obvious to all with an IQ over 77, but this whole "pregnancy" thing is the assymetry that drove the majority of human social rules of gender, and value judgments in the area. It is a MAJOR difference, which means that males and females MUST have vastly different attitudes about sex, since they have vastly different consequences to contemplate.

Of course, the introduction of birth control helped to alleviate this risk for females, not totally, and almost never in many of the situations that have always garnered the greatest interest for legislation.

So, to the legal morons who don't understand why there should be different laws governing sex crimes for males and females, that is why.

If they are too dense to understand that, then there is always the interesting point that a man cannot really be raped ... physically (in terms of heterosexual intercourse). He can be blown against his will, without any doubt, but very unlikely to be "raped". After all, don't sales of male potency drugs kind of demonstrate that women cannot "force" a men to 'rape them' (for want of a better description) if doesn't want to.

What would the mechanics of such a forced-rape be? It seems quite absurd.

Yes. Quite absurd. And that is the clear second reason why rape laws for males and females should be different.


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