Sunday, July 30, 2006

Freedom Run Amok

What we are seeing around the world, today, are the emergent properties of a nasty combination of underlying currents that include:

  • a basically primitive culture

  • out of control population growth which has taken the population size far beyond the cultural scale

  • fundamentally unstable parliamentary systems which do not separate and control governmental power appropriately (as is done only in the US Constitution - which no country has seen fit to adopt, even though it is the governmental structure of the most successful and freest nation to have ever existed)

  • a zeal for the idea of individual freedom that was first nurtured in the United States, but manifested as mob rule via democracy, which is a super-structure that their culture, and their political structures just cannot support.

All of these nasty currents are combining in these last throes of post-World War II liberal nonsense, that, surprisingly, is coming from George Bush - who refuses to believe that there are cultures which are just too primitive to be able to govern themselves democratically, or more broadly, to take on the responsibilities of individual freedom. It is Bush's niceness and (misplaced) faith in humanity that is giving these 3rd world pseudo-nations and primitive cultures a full chance at modernity and total individual freedom. But their underlying cultures will not support such super-structures.

No one would think that cannibals should be immediately given all of the rights of individual freedom and allowed to freely roam the streets of a free nation, like the USA, without first changing their culture to bring it up to a more modern point that will be able to support the weight of individual freedom. Individual freedom demands a prior high level of civility in the society BEFORE it can work. Individual freedom provides many rights, but only works if almost all of the people already understand and fulfill the corresponding responsibilities that accompany it.

Individual freedom does not civilize societies. Civilized societies generate individual freedom.


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