Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Islam Is NOT A Religion

Just because an ideology appeals to some supernatural entity does not justify its classification as a 'religion' in the US.

Islam is a political ideology, not a religion. It demands political power wherever it is found - which runs in opposition to the US ideals of the separation of church and state - and, as such, is more closely related to Communism than to Christianity.

What does this mean?

This means that Islamic sites, such as mosques, are NOT religious sites, but political and military centers (as has been well-evidenced throughout the world over the past few decades, for those who don't believe (me)) which are not entitled to any of the rights and benefits that we grant to religious sites.

This also changes the way we fight against Muslim enemies. Mosques would immediately be removed from the list of sites that are "protected until fired FROM" and moves them to the list of sites that comprise the primary targets. Of course, everyone realizes how devasted the military power of a Muslim enemy would be if all of the mosques were obliterated in the first few days of a military campaign.

Many will feel a bit uneasy, seeing how Islam has stolen parts from the Old Testament, adding to its claim to be a religion. But they must understand, Communists could decide to call Jesus Christ the "Communist God" and could rewrite a few stories from the New Testament to add a godly quality to Communist ideals without making Communism any more of a religion that it is now. This is the case with Islam.

This move, to delist Islam as an official religion is one of the most important steps that needs to be taken in the current war, and its value cannot easily be overestimated.


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