Monday, July 31, 2006

George Bush Has Been Far Too Successful To Have A High Approval Rating

What people do not seem to understand is that George Bush has been far too successful a president to get high approval ratings. He has been presented with more tough decisions in the Oval Office than any president since FDR, and he has navigated them quite skillfully.

But he has also moved more legislation in more areas and changed more of the structure of America, and the World, than any president since Abraham Lincoln. George Bush has made so many moves, in so many areas, that it is assured that every single American must disagree with, at least, a few of his changes. I disagree with many of the decisions President Bush has made, each of which pushes my approval of him down, but I agree with him on the large issues (almost all) and appreciate that he has the guts to move the world. He is an impressive decision maker.

But he has been so wide-ranging in his application of "American Values" (truly - he has taken a stand on just about every issue that would concern an interested citizen) that he could never maintain anything like a 60% approval rating. George Bush will have to trust the history books of 2090 to honestly record his impact.


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